What you get

Find law firms with relevant experience anywhere in the world promptly and get the best market price for their services
Law firm
Get access to a new channel of business clients and projects without any extra marketing spend
Services you can request on the platform
Verbal advice
A perfect solution when you need a quick consultation
Written advice
You get a legal advice formalised as a document
Documents support
Hire a legal specialist to develop new documents or revise existing ones
Transaction legal support
Сomplex legal support for a transaction such as structuring, drafting, negotiations and due diligence
Litigation and dispute resolution
Get legal support during all the stages of dispute resolution process
Regulatory & Public
Manage regulatory compliance, enforcement actions, investigation and other public related matters
Legal subscription service
Subscription model allows you to outsource recurring tasks or expertise to a specialist law firm
Find a legal counsel for temporary assignment to your in-house team
Any other service
If you don't see a suitable service on the list, you can request it here
What our customers say
How it works
With the help of LawCoster Request Wizard, prepare and submit a detailed, well-structured RFP to selected law firms
Law firms submit their offers as part of the competitive tender procedure
Choose the best offer based on a number of parameters such as price, deadlines and expertise
Specify your request
A detailed and well-structured request for proposal minimises follow-up clarifications and the risk of scope creep. This allows law firms to submit tailored offers quicker and avoid price corrections later during the execution.

Invite law firms
LawCoster enables clients to find external counsel anywhere in the world. Our global catalog of law firms offers searching by region, specialisation and ranking, supported by our assessment system based on direct clients’ feedback.

Select the best offer
LawCoster's online bidding process is easy, quick and transparent. Easily compare offers by price and other parameters in a summary table and select the best one.

Everything you need in one place
- Track the progress of your orders through your personal account
- All relevant project communications and documents in one place
- Get to know candidate law firms and compare them easily in a single window

Significant economy of expenses on external counsel due to competitive selection procedure
Prompt and convenient selection of a consultant firm or a qualified specialist
Maximum information in one place to make informed decisions
The use of this service is FREE for the client and participation is FREE for law firms.